Monday, February 28, 2011

"Going Home Grown"

I was cleaning out my living room and I found an article from the Post and Courier's Household Helper section.  It was printed February 2, 2011 and it focused on Callie Watford and her pledge to eat locally for 2011.  They joined a community supported agriculture program that allows the family to gather locally grown vegetables etc.and they have started a blog on their local food diet (  The real interest I had in this article was the tips on how to eat locally.  I thought that this would be helpful to anyone in the class, who want to start eating locally.  The article suggested joining a community agriculture group if possible, learn to can vegetables for the times when growing food is difficult, and check out "Kitchen table Cuisine" that has access to locally grown food.  The local meat farms or processors suggested by the article were Legare farms, River Run Farms, and Keegan-Fillian Farms. The grocery stores that stock local food are Queen Street grocery, Ted's butcher Block, Remedy Market and Vegetable Bin.  I have been to the vegetable bin and it has pretty good prices for a lot of food.   It is right next to the teeter if you need something you can not find locally ( understand that we can't go completely local right away  including me).  For seafood they recommend Crosby's seafood, Raul's seafood, and the docks at Shem creek.  The article even listed local drinks from Coast  beer to Firefly vodka and rum.  Then the article suggested that you ask for local food at restaurants telling the reader that by doing this the demand for locally grown food will grow.  I thought that the article was a good example of how local food is becoming more important in the Charleston area.  i had no idea so many grocery stores stocked local produce.  I am going to try each you of these places to see how they stack price and quality wise.  Wish me luck. 

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